Switching From Chlorine To A Saltwater Pool

Switching From Chlorine to a Saltwater Pool

Switching From Chlorine to a Saltwater Pool

Swimming pools seem to be a “must-have” for most Florida homeowners because they provide relief from the state’s often blistering heat.

Pools also offer a great return on investment. It can add tens of thousands of dollars to the value of your home. Chances are you already know this because, as one of the many Sunshine State residents with a pool.

But have you ever thought about increasing the value of your investment even further? If so, you might want to consider switching to a saltwater pool if you haven’t already.

It will be helpful to know the difference between the two types of pools to decide if it’s the right move. Both involve systems that sanitize your pool, but how do chlorine vs. saltwater pools differ?

Keep reading to learn more about switching from chlorine to a saltwater pool.

What to Know About Chlorine Pools

When thinking of a chlorine pool, an image of a traditional pool may come to mind. In 1910, chlorination was first used as a key method of disinfection at Brown University’s Colgate Hoyt Pool. The technique has become a part of pool maintenance ever since then.

Chlorine is often added to a pool via chlorine tablets, liquid, or sticks. When added to the water, it creates a mild acid that is strong enough to kill germs, including salmonella. Often swimmers can detect a chemical smell while using a heavily chlorinated pool.

What to Know About Saltwater Pools

Saltwater pools are chlorinated as well. However, the chlorine found in these pools comes from sodium chloride.

A saltwater pool system involves the use of a salt chlorinator. This converts the salt to chlorine, creating a soft and safe water environment.

It dispenses the chlorine as needed. This ensures there’s always the right amount to keep your pool clean. This result is less chlorine content in your pool than in a traditional pool system.

Benefits of Saltwater Pools Over Chlorine Pools

You’ve already heard some of the benefits of converting chlorine to a saltwater pool. But there are a few more things to consider., including:

  • It’s simple and affordable
  • There’s no chemical smell while you swim
  • It’s easier and cheaper to maintain
  • You can experience soft, clear water

Not a fan of burning eyes, dry skin, or damaged hair that you often get with chlorine? You won’t have to worry about these once you convert to a saltwater pool.

Switching From Chlorine To A Saltwater Pool, No Red Eyes

Saltwater Pool Installation

There are several steps involved in saltwater conversion. But the process is simple. There’s often the misconception that you’ll need to drain your pool, but this isn’t the case at all.

Here are the steps you’ll need to follow to complete the process:

  1. Balance your pool’s water chemistry based on manual specifications
  2. Install a salt water chlorinator
  3. Add enough pool-grade salt based on the size of your pool
  4. Turn on the pool’s pump and check for leaks
  5. Then turn on the saltwater chlorinator
  6. Test your pool’s water chemistry

There are several steps involved when installing the chlorinator. However, it’s best to have a professional handle this. Once the steps above have been completed, you can begin enjoying your new saltwater pool.

Taking the Leap From Chlorine to a Saltwater Pool

It’s best to get advice from an experienced pool company. Cox Pools are the experts when it comes to any type of pool in Florida.

We’ve been installing pools in northwest Florida for the last 60 years. We can convert yours to a saltwater pool as well.

Let’s start with a FREE no-obligation consultation. Contact Cox Pools today!